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Do the Work

In our 8 Weeks to Wellness family, we have a new doctor from Grand Junction, Colorado. He is already a successful chiropractor in his community but since being with 8WW, he’s put in the hard work to take his practice to the next level by offering a wellness program to his patients. He’s got what I’ve noticed many of the most successful chiropractors have: humility. I have been coaching and working with chiropractors for many years and I’ve seen what traits make for a great chiropractor. Being humble and open to learning, feedback and change make all the difference.

Chiropractors, especially men, can have huge egos. They feel like they know everything and are not willing to fail. Successful doctors are willing to let go of ego and see that there is always room to improve. For instance, that doc from Grand Junction- great doctor, lives a healthy lifestyle, and already had a successful practice. Since he started with 8 Weeks to Wellness, he’s been learning how to add more value by offering additional services to his practice and make his internal processes work smoother in order to help his patients get healthier. He is humble enough to recognize that he was already good but willing to be better.

Here’s another example: there’s a doctor I have coached for many years and witnessed all his highs and lows. The one consistent thing about him is that he stays engaged. He doesn’t miss a call with me or masterminds with other doctors. He processes what is said and implements those changes. He recently noticed his appointments were running long. He recorded some appointments to analyze where he could improve and shaved off 15 minutes, time that he didn't need with the patient to achieve his objective – better for his patients and better for his office! He’s been an 8WW doctor for a long time but he doesn’t stop working on his practice. While he’s a good doctor, he recognizes that he can always do better.

8 Weeks to Wellness has some constant principles – good nutrition, regular adjustments, challenging exercise, daily mindfulness and meditation, and restorative massage. These pillars seem basic but they take work to get them implemented into a patient's life successfully. Many chiropractors will shy away from this type of practice because of the work it takes to get started and more importantly, maintain. When you see the patient results and their successes along with your own success and fulfillment, it helps to motivate the doctor to keep on working. Our 8WW systems provide information and support but the doctor has to put in the time and effort to make it keep working.

Success is not a finish line. Being successful takes consistent attention and work. Complacency and resistance is the enemy of success. This principle is true for all areas of your life, not just your practice. Your marriage, managing your finances, or even your spirituality takes work, nurturing, and overcoming entropy. Reflect on all areas of your life and see where you can do better. Is it a morning prayer routine? Date night with your spouse? Gathering advice about investments? Getting a coach? Committing to a weekly exercise routine?

Like healthy habits, humility is contagious too. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are willing to be open to change and do the work. Personally, I gain so much from the people I surround myself with. From them, I’ve learned to be more open and willing to learn. That has helped me become successful and stay successful in the areas that matter most namely family life, personal life, business life, and spiritual life.

Be open to learning.

Do the work.

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