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The Complete Functional Wellness Patient: Day 1 and Day 2

Give patients more than symptomatic care

The functional Wellness Day 1/ Day 2

After 30 years of practice, learning from the 12 Chiropractors in my family, and coaching hundreds of Chiropractors over the years, I know why some Chiropractors struggle to not only get new patients but retain the ones they have. The key is to GIVE PATIENTs WHAT THEY WANT BUT SHOW THEY WHAT THEY COULD HAVE. How about the patient that comes in for back pain but needs to improve their overall health because they're on 2 medications for blood pressure and cholesterol problems. What about the patient who is suffering from migraines but is so toxic from stress and their diet that the adjustment is a temporary band-aid because their real issue is failure to live a healthy Chiropractic LIFESTYLE.


  • Learn the 3 parts of your Day 1:

    • Chief Complaint Review: Asking the right questions vs. asking the questions right.

    • Past Medical History and Meds: You can't change what you don't know

    • Lifestyle Review and Goals: Blessing vs. Burden

  • Learn how to incorporate objective findings into an easy-to-understand Wellness Score report

  • Learn how to use subjective goals and objective findings to create an ideal care plan for the patient

  • Learn an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand care plan template: Stop the "Cookie-Cutter" care plans

  • Learn to stop talking so much and start showing patient what they need and why they need it

  • Learn easy-to-understand lab markers and how to communicate them to patients. 

  • Learn WHY patients convert into care and why they don't

  • Learn how to transition from ROF to the front-desk hand-off and why this is critical

  • Learn WHY the patient's experience and results and the best marketing you'll ever do in practice

  • Learn WHY you don't need as many new patients as you think if you'll do this one thing.


  • Learn how to do a proper functional wellness exam including

    • Functional Wellness Exam​

    • Chiropractic exam: The 3 core essentials

    • In-Body Body Composition Testing

    • Digital Posture Screen Mobile Evaluation

    • Digital X-ray and Computerized line drawing analysis

    • Functional Movement Screen

    • Wellness Biomarkers

    • Wellness Score

  • Learn The 3 Core Essentials and WHY this makes sense for patients: 

    • Alignment​

    • Core Stability

    • Spinal Compression

  • Learn to give patients what they want but show them what wellness can do for their quality-of-life

  • Learn the importance of the Magic Wand question

  • Learn and discover WHY patients commit their time and money with you

Walk away from Systems to Success feeling excited, motivated and ready to take action!

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READY TO Grow your business?

WHY you?

We are looking for Doctors of Chiropractic who know the value of a wellness-focused lifestyle and who are passionate about helping their patients create healthier habits. 


Focus on health, not sickness.


Today, every community needs an inspiring wellness center with a team of experts leading people to longer, healthier lives. This turnkey program will allow you to grow your practice and improve the lives of your patients.

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8 weeks to wellness (8ww)

A comprehensive wellness program that optimizes what people think about, how they eat and supplement, and how they exercise and care for their body through a specific, comprehensive 8-week program

Become an 8WW Partner!

8WW Partners receive the operational strategies and infrastructure that we’ve been using for over two decades to create successful practices all over the world. And now, it’s your turn to help create a healthier world, one community at a time.


We show you how to teach the three key aspects of a healthy lifestyle towards better eating, better thinking and better mobility.

WHat you get

You will receive specific knowledge of the best practices and systems for running a wellness-based Chiropractic practice, such as clinical, business, and team-training methods, combined with a thorough understanding of the 8 Weeks to Wellness program and how it's incorporated into Chiropractic practice.


Everything Under One Roof

All Parts of the Program Given to You



Passionate In-Practice 8WW Coaching

Scripted Implementation

Doctor & Team Training

Network of Doctors


Nationally Recognized Brand:

Tried & True

​Reproducible Systems and Results

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Friday, February 11th, 2022
Run at 6 AM 

9:00 - 10:00 AM
Dr. Dane's Welcome & Introducing the Offices.
10:00 - 12:00 PM
CA & Trainer Breakout - Back to Health of Anthem
10:00 - 10:45 AM
Dr. Brian Hester - “Your Systems Fuels Your Success”

10:45 - 11:00 AM

11:00 - 12:00 PM
Dr. Nick Sechrist - Transitioning to the Wellness Practice- Key Take-aways

12:00 - 1:00 PM

1:00 - 4:30 PM
CA & Trainer breakout – WSC 
1:00 - 1:15 PM
Nutri-Dyn Update- Josh Kauder
1:15 - 2:15 PM
Dr. Justin Nye - All Systems start with the LEADER

2:15 - 2:45 PM

2:45 - 4:00 PM
Dr. Dane Donohue - A,B,C’s of your Day 1/Day 2 System

2:15 - 2:45 PM

4:30 - 6:00 PM
Cocktail reception at Back to Health of Anthem 


SATURDAY, February 12th, 2022
workout at 6 AM 

9:00 - 10:30 AM
Josh Kauder from Nutridyn - Nutritional Supplement Systems and Protocols: What every 8WW office needs 
10:30 - 11:00 AM
11:00 - 11:15 AM

11:15 - 12:15 PM
Dr. Brian & Dr. Justin – Advanced Strategies and Systems 
Dr. Dane – New Docs break out- Chiropractic Wellness Systems 

12:15 - 1:15 PM
1:15 - 3:30 PM

CA & Trainer Breakout – WSC 

1:15 - 2:45 PM
Dr. Brian & Dr. Justin - Advanced Strategies and Systems 
Dr. Dane – New Docs breakout – Chiropractic Wellness Systems  

2:45- 3:00 PM
3:00 - 3:30 PM
Gratitude Share

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" The information, action steps, and resources that are included in this program are absolutely fantastic and will help any clinic that wants to grow their business.  This is especially true if you desire to complement chiropractic with a well-rounded wellness model that includes nutrition, massage, and fitness.  This team of chiropractic leaders has unleashed the secrets of running a highly profitable, highly impactful, and highly fulfilling practice.  Quite simply….they have over-delivered!  Wow! ”

– Dr. Jeffrey Danielson D.C.

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We offer events throughout the year as a benefit to our 8WW community of Doctors. It's also a great opportunity for new Doctors to learn more as they consider becoming an 8WW provider. 



8WW Partners can bring 2 doctors and 4 staff to an event, for free, every year. They can choose to split that between the 2 events if they would like. Any additional staff is $199.


Event fees are $399 for doctors and $299 for staff.

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READY TO grow your business?

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Thanks for submitting!

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